Stamp Duty Holiday: How does it work, and what does it mean for you?
The Government’s Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) holiday runs until 31st March 2021, and removes the standard rate of SDLT for transactions under £500,000 in England. Transactions over this amount…

Chancellor introduces Job Support Scheme as part of coronavirus 'winter plan'
To help steer businesses and employees through a tough winter and avoid the much-feared ‘cliff-edge’ as the furlough scheme comes to an end, today Chancellor Rishi Sunak has introduced a…

Planning use classes overhaul: COVID-19 sparks major change
From 1 September 2020, the categories under the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987 are changing to create two new use classes. It is hoped that the overhaul…

New commercial property Code of Practice seeks to preserve landlord & tenant relationships
On 19 June, the Government published its “Code of Practice for commercial property relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic” (the “Code”). The voluntary Code will apply until 24 June 2021 and…

Section 1 statement rule changes - what employers should know
Avid readers of Employment Law Dispatches would have seen our piece about the changes to the minimum information that must be given to employees regarding their terms and conditions of…

RICS Code 2020 – Leasing business premises
In February, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) released a new lease code (effective from 1 September 2020) that applies to lettings of business premises in England and Wales.…

Flexible furlough scheme - what employers need to know
The government has now released details of the new flexible furlough scheme, which employers can take advantage of from 1 July 2020, under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. In short,…

Charity Commission guidance on managing financial difficulties and recovery
Trustees, in particular those of smaller charities, will welcome recent guidance from the Charity Commission on working through financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidance, which…

Managing homeworking requests: Q&A for employers
The coronavirus lockdown has, by necessity, seen a vast ballooning of the numbers of people working from home. This situation won’t last for ever, but it is likely to lead…

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme update: Arrangements for phasing out
On Friday 29 May 2020 the government announced more details about the extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Our employment lawyers summarise the latest below: Last date for furloughing…

Is my marriage legal?
The Court of Appeal has recently ruled that an Islamic marriage ceremony falls short of the legal provisions for marriage under English law. As a result, the couple in question…

Can a furloughed director fulfil their statutory duties?
The government guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the “scheme”) confirms that a director who is paid via PAYE can be furloughed. That same guidance also states that the…

COVID-19 and filing obligations - the latest from Companies House
The current situation of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic makes it difficult for companies to remain compliant with their filing obligations. In this article, we explain some of the key changes…

Corporate transactions: Getting back to business
The current coronavirus lockdown has inevitably resulted in numerous transactions and commercial initiatives being put on hold or, worse, aborted. This includes company and business acquisitions and sales and commercial…

EMI share options: a SME-friendly, tax-efficient weapon in the ‘war for talent’
Attracting and retaining key talent isn’t easy for any business, but it is particularly challenging for smaller, higher-risk, growing companies. Without the financial resources to offer large salaries and extensive…

Residence Nil Rate Band allowance increase: are you up-to-speed?
On 6 April 2020, the Residence Nil Rate Band allowance increased to its maximum limit of £175,000. The Residence Nil Rate Band (RNRB) was first introduced in April 2017 to…

Furloughed workers and annual leave
The government has provided some long awaited guidance on the treatment of annual leave for furloughed employees affected by the coronavirus pandemic. One of our senior employment lawyers, Jenny Hawrot,…

COVID-19: The landlord's dilemma
Much has been made of the steps which have been taken by the government to protect both commercial and residential tenants during the current crisis, which in many cases has…

Automatic stay in squatter possession proceedings removed
Pressure from property litigation professionals has seen the Master of the Rolls modify the automatic stay in all possession proceedings, imposed on 26 March by a Practice Direction, when the…

Business immigration and COVID-19: FAQ for employers
For employers, keeping pace with employment law guidelines in the light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is no easy task, and businesses who sponsor workers from overseas face another layer…

Domestic abuse during the COVID-19 lockdown: Q&A
The lockdown associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has resulted in a dramatic change to daily life for most of us. Despite the necessity of lockdown to protect the NHS,…

Coronavirus cash grants for charities: What support is available?
On 8 April, the Chancellor promised a £750m support package to boost the charity sector, of which £370m will go to smaller local charities supporting vulnerable people. The aim of…

Employing people from outside of the UK after Brexit: Q&A
The government has unveiled further details about a new immigration system that will be introduced as a result of the UK’s exit from the European Union. In this article, we…

Corporate & commercial issues: COVID-19 FAQ
The global outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the government’s resulting emergency measures have had severe implications for many businesses. Read on for answers to some frequently-asked questions on corporate &…

Coronavirus: Q&A for employers and HR professionals
The last few weeks have seen a seismic shift in the numbers of the UK workforce now working from home, following the coronavirus lockdown. While businesses should always seek employment…

Coronavirus: Furlough leave and holidays
One of the big unanswered questions which has been exercising the minds of HR professionals and employment lawyers alike since the announcement of the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS),…

COVID-19: Holiday time for guarantors?
With many tenants seeking rental holidays most landlords may be shaking their heads over a loss or reduction of income for one, two or maybe more quarters. Tenants are pressing…

A guide to some of the April 2020 employment law changes
One of our senior employment lawyers summarises the changes in the law which take effect from today. What’s new for April 2020? Written statements of employment particulars From 6 April…

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: New guidance from government
The government has published further details of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (also known as the ‘furlough scheme’) as part of the emergency measures surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. The Coronavirus…

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…
Traditionally, the practice of making a will or lasting powers of attorney has been somewhat ‘hands-on’, involving face-to-face meetings, signatures in the presence of witnesses, and so on. The coronavirus…

Commercial contracts & coronavirus: What are the implications?
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic develops, we have seen significant disruption to businesses across multiple sectors in the UK. Understandably, this has led to widespread concern about the implications for…

Coronavirus: What it means for residential landlords
The government has passed emergency legislation to protect tenants from eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic, by the Coronavirus Act 2020. These changes affect nearly all tenants in the private rented…

Family law issues & coronavirus: Q&A
The coronavirus pandemic has thrown family life into a tailspin, and for those with current relationship, family and divorce issues, things may get even more complex while the crisis is…

Rules relaxed to allow UK workers to carry over annual leave
Another change to UK employment law has seen the government relax the rules on the date by which workers must use annual leave. Ordinarily, UK workers are unable to carry…

Coronavirus and lease obligations: Q&A for commercial tenants
You’ll no doubt be aware of the concessionary measures that are being introduced by the government to help ease the potential economic fallout of COVID-19 on UK businesses. In the…

What does 'furlough' mean? A quick definition for employers
As part of the emergency measures surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled a plan to support employees who would have otherwise been laid off during the crisis.…