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Quick guide to our dispute resolution services for individuals

Inheritance dispute solicitors

How can we help you?
  • Acting as an executor or trustee

    As an executor or trustee, you have a huge responsibility and are personally liable to beneficiaries for your actions. This is a complex area of law. If you’re acting as an executor or trustee and beneficiaries or others don’t agree with what you are doing, you need expert advice early on to avoid matters escalating.

  • Contesting your inheritance or entitlement

    If you feel you have been left out of a will, treated unfairly or a promise made to you has been broken, you may be able to make a claim. We can help you to contest your inheritance or entitlement.

  • Disputes with trustees and executors

    If you’re not happy with how people representing the estate are acting, you may be able to object to their decisions or claim for them to be removed. We can provide expert advice if you are in a dispute with a trustee or executor.

  • Challenging the validity of a will

    If you think someone’s will hasn’t been made properly, that it may have been forged, or the person making it had been pressurised or not understood the meaning of the will, you may be able to apply for the will to be set aside. We can help you challenge the validity of a will.

  • Talk to us

    We understand this area of the law can be complex, so if you’re not sure which one applies to you or would prefer to speak with one of our plain-speaking, friendly solicitors, please get in touch.

Inheritance & trust disputes team

We're ready to help

Principal contact:

Paul Gordon LLB Partner
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  • "I was very happy with the service I received and with the end result."
  • "Paul Gordon is ‘a proper hard-nosed litigator’ who is ‘very good at the details and managing client expectations’."
    The Legal 500 UK
  • 713+
    Combined years' experience
  • 94%
    of Clients surveyed would recommend
  • 1947
    The year our Cheltenham law firm was established
  • 44 outstanding recommendations in national legal guide
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