How can we help?
For solid legal advice and solutions from some of the best brains in the industry
For sensible and practical legal support that’s easy to understand

"We build real lasting relationships with our clients. People know they are more than a transaction at Willans – it’s the reason why most of our work is for repeat clients, or people they’ve recommended us to."
International reach, with local roots
We’re a Cheltenham law firm, but we also advise global companies and individuals doing business in the UK.
When to put a pre-nuptial agreement in place
With wedding season on the horizon, newly-engaged couples may wish to consider putting a pre-nuptial agreement in place sooner rather than later. If you are in the early stages of…
How do companies become GDPR compliant?
It is nearly seven years since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. However, it is as important as ever that data protection compliance doesn’t fall off the…
Employment status – the importance of getting it right
When an individual provides services to a business, it is important for all concerned to understand the nature of that relationship. The individual could be one of three things: an…