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Quick guide to our services for global businesses


  • Advice for specific scenarios or ongoing assistance

    As well as advising on specific business immigration scenarios, we provide ongoing support, bespoke training and assistance for sponsoring employers and their appointed key personnel, relating to ongoing compliance and developing associated policies.

  • Here for you if things go wrong

    We will also be there to support you when things don’t go as intended – for instance if you should need to dismiss a worker you’re sponsoring, or they lose their right to work in the UK, or you are facing a visit from the immigration authorities.

  • Continued employment law support when you need it

    Once you have your team in place, we can help you with employment contracts and policies, and employee relations issues.

International business team team

We're ready to help

Principal contact:

Matthew Clayton MA LLM (Cantab), CIPP/E Partner
Message View profile
  • 713+
    Combined years' experience
  • 94%
    of Clients surveyed would recommend
  • 1947
    The year our Cheltenham law firm was established
  • 44 outstanding recommendations in national legal guide

Respected by overseas companies looking for a UK partner in law.

  • Construction
    Sector:Renewable energy

    Técnicas Reunidas UK Ltd

    Técnicas Reunidas group is a leading international engineering and construction company for oil and gas production, refining and petrochemicals and power generation projects. It ranks among the top three oil and gas engineering and construction companies in Europe and among the top 10 in the world.
    Tecnicas Reunidas logo
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