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Quick guide to our family law services


Help for all stages of your family life
  • Why consider a cohabitation agreement?

    Put simply, a cohabitation agreement takes the form of a document that describes your finances, possessions and family relationships, and explains what should happen to these in the event your relationship breaks down.

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  • Legal guidance on what factors to consider

    When you work with us, we’ll give you clear and friendly advice on what factors you should consider when it comes to putting together your cohabitation agreement, and how the courts would be likely to view this should a break-up occur.

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  • Specialist advice, regardless of how complex the assets you want to protect

    We know it can be awkward, and sometimes emotional, having these sorts of conversations with your partner; after all, no-one wants to think about breaking up. But we handle matters delicately and tactfully. In fact, we believe that it can only be a good thing for a relationship for both parties to have peace of mind that they’re protected and will be treated fairly whatever happens.

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Family law solicitor

Family law team

We're ready to help

Principal contact:

Sharon Giles LLB (Hons) Partner
Message View profile
  • "Matter-of-fact and down to earth, business-like approach combined with pleasantness."
  • 713+
    Combined years' experience
  • 94%
    of Clients surveyed would recommend
  • 1947
    The year our Cheltenham law firm was established
  • 44 outstanding recommendations in national legal guide


We’re one of the highest-rated family law firms in the UK

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