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Quick guide to our employment law services

Executive redundancy and severance solicitors

Specialist help when you're faced with severance or redundancy
  • Level-headed strategic redundancy guidance

    If you find yourself facing an executive severance or redundancy, it’s important to get advice promptly. With experience on our side, our employment law solicitors help you to work out the best course of action for you, reputationally and financially.

  • With us, you're in safe hands

    We help dozens of people in this situation every year, so you know you are in safe hands with us when it comes to settling an employment dispute, negotiating a discreet exit and moving on in your career with the minimum of disruption.

Employment law team

We're ready to help

Principal contact:

Jenny Hawrot LLB (Hons) Partner
Message View profile
  • "The personal touch combined with an innovative and smart solutions-focused approach made a huge difference...Without hesitation we would recommend Willans."
  • 713+
    Combined years' experience
  • 94%
    of Clients surveyed would recommend
  • 1947
    The year our Cheltenham law firm was established
  • 44 outstanding recommendations in national legal guide


We provide workable solutions to even the most complex employment disputes

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