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Employment law

Sanctions and the sickie: What to do if you think your ‘ill’ employee is not actually unwell

As statistics have it, the first Monday in February is ‘National Sickie Day’ – the most likely day for employees to pretend to be unwell for a day off work. […]

Is it ever too cold to work?

With temperatures across the UK having plummeted again and forecasters suggesting colder weather could be on its way, many workplaces have become far colder than usual this week. Inevitably, the […]

Government proposes workplace reform

The government has announced its intention to introduce a number of legislative changes designed to implement many of the recommendations made by the Taylor Review; the report into employment and […]

Winter illnesses: a headache for employers

As winter closes in, there is a set of new problems facing employers. No longer are businesses plagued by employees asking ‘is it too hot to work?’, but rather, they […]

Top tips for improving wellbeing in the workplace

Stress, anxiety and depression are the cause of over 49% of all work related illness. Statistics from the ONS show that, in 2022/2023, 1.8 million workers suffered from work related […]

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