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Employment law

Equality Act: gender fluid & non-binary individuals protected

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to discriminate against individuals because of their ‘protected characteristics’. There are nine protected characteristics in total, namely: age, race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, […]

Chancellor announces updates to new Job Support Scheme

The government has now published further details about the changes to the Job Support Scheme announced by the Chancellor yesterday. (Read the latest about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, also […]

Chancellor introduces Job Support Scheme as part of coronavirus ‘winter plan’

To help steer businesses and employees through a tough winter and avoid the much-feared ‘cliff-edge’ as the furlough scheme comes to an end, today Chancellor Rishi Sunak has introduced a […]

Section 1 statement rule changes – what employers should know

Avid readers of Employment Law Dispatches would have seen our piece about the changes to the minimum information that must be given to employees regarding their terms and conditions of […]

Flexible furlough scheme – what employers need to know

The government has now released details of the new flexible furlough scheme, which employers can take advantage of from 1 July 2020, under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. In short, […]

Managing homeworking requests: Q&A for employers

The coronavirus lockdown has, by necessity, seen a vast ballooning of the numbers of people working from home. This situation won’t last for ever, but it is likely to lead […]

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme update: Arrangements for phasing out

On Friday 29 May 2020 the government announced more details about the extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Our employment lawyers summarise the latest below: Last date for furloughing […]

Furloughed workers and annual leave

The government has provided some long awaited guidance on the treatment of annual leave for furloughed employees affected by the coronavirus pandemic. One of our senior employment lawyers, Jenny Hawrot, […]

Coronavirus: Q&A for employers and HR professionals

The last few weeks have seen a seismic shift in the numbers of the UK workforce now working from home, following the coronavirus lockdown. While businesses should always seek employment […]

Coronavirus: Furlough leave and holidays

One of the big unanswered questions which has been exercising the minds of HR professionals and employment lawyers alike since the announcement of the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), […]

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