Once again we are delighted to be one of the sponsors the Taste of Gloucestershire Food and Farming Awards and, in particular, to be supporting the award for “Farmer of the Year”.
Frank Smith pictured at the awards evening with 2013 Best Farmer winner – Mr & Mrs Pullin. Photo courtesy of Gloucestershire Media.
The awards, now in their fourth year, celebrate the best of Gloucestershire’s farmers, producers, retailers, pubs, farm shops and restaurants. There are 12 award categories for example, Food or Drink Business of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award, Best Eating Out Establishment, Best Local Food Retailer, Best Chef of the Year and Best Pub/Bar Award.
Frank Smith of our agriculture & estates team said: “With around 75% of Gloucestershire used for farmland or forestry, farming is an essential part of our economy. There are 3,000 farm businesses in the county with a combined gross output in excess of £400 million – yet they are largely unnoticed.
“We recognise that locally produced food and drink in Gloucestershire is amongst the best in the country and we know that many of our clients are involved in, or are supported by, this industry.
“The Taste of Gloucestershire Food and Farming Awards are an excellent way for the county’s businesses, no matter how big or small, to be “put on the map” and recognised for their efforts. We urge you to enter yourself or your favourite businesses in these awards.”
Nominations are open until Friday 15 August. The prize giving ceremony will take place at an awards gala evening at Hatherley Manor on 21 October.