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Brexit latest – What we all need to know: Join Willans, Crowe and AFEX for upcoming Circle 2 Success webinar

21 January 2021

For businesses across the country, keeping up to speed with the drip-feed of Brexit-related information has been a real challenge, compounded by the pressures of the pandemic.

With this in mind, we’ve teamed up with Circle2Success, accountancy firm Crowe UK and foreign exchange specialists AFEX to present an easily digestible round-up of the big Brexit issues we all need to know about.

The Zoom event, which takes place on Thursday 28 January between 10am- 11:30am, will paint a clearer picture for county businesses of the post-Brexit trading landscape.

Willans' Brexit team
Pictured: Willans’ Brexit team

Beginning with employment law partner and data protection expert Matthew Clayton and employment and corporate solicitor Helen Howes, the first part of the session will cover GDPR and the impact of Brexit on the law around personal data. They will discuss where your business should be now in terms of compliance, and what you should be doing if you are not quite there yet. Then, they will cover employment of EU citizens and the requirements your business must meet from now on, followed by a look into how Brexit could impact on your commercial contracts now and in the future.

Next, there will be expert insights from Crowe UK and AFEX on the exporting challenges and opportunities, including a look at VAT and currency. There will also be opportunities to ask questions in an interactive Q&A session at the end.

For more information and how to book, visit the Circle2Success website.

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Read more about Brexit and your business.

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